- Id: EU.AI4T.O1.M4.3.2a
- Title: 4.3.2 Activity: Case study with the AI template
- Type: activity
- Description: Use of the AI template to analyse Duolingo for school
- Subject: Artificial Intelligence for and by Teachers
- Authors:
- AI4T
- Jiajun, Pan - Loria
- Azim, Roussanaly - Loria
- Anne, Boyer - Loria
- AI4T
- Licence: CC BY 4.0
- Date: 2022-11-15
Activity: Case study with AI template to analyse Duolingo for school¶
The AI4T consortium has identified "Duolingo for Schools" as a relevant AI tool to be experimented by teachers during the project.
It's a learning language App, for sure, but the question it raises as an AIERs are relevant across disciplines.
During this activity, Duolingo for Schools is proposed as a case study to experiment the Template for AI characterisation. There are two particularities of Duolingo for Schools that makes it's a good case study:
- Duolingo shares a lot of info about how it works,
- Used by many learners, it has been the focus of many questions from outsiders concerned about privacy, for example. It is therefore easier to have insights about some issues that are generally not that easy to have about AIERs, like data protection.
Duolingo for Schools in its own words¶
Here is the official presentation of Duolingo for Schools on its blog1: "Duolingo for Schools is a dashboard right inside of a teacher's Duolingo account that allows them to create classrooms and assignments, and to follow students' activity. We're excited to work with educators to bring the world's number one language learning app into classrooms, with features designed to maximize teacher effectiveness and student learning".
Some resources that can be used to analyse the AI features of Duolingo for Schools:¶
- Duolingo for Schools (part of the Duolingo Website):
- Duolingo for Schools - Help centre:
- Duolingo official Website:
- Duolingo blog:
- Duolingo research website (scientific article / data set sharing):
These are "official" Duolingo websites. Some interesting information can be found on other sites so do not hesitate to diversify your research.
Do you want to analyse the AI features of Duolingo for Schools?
Click on the image below to uplaod the ready-to-use AI characterisation template and fill it in as much as possible.

Example of the Completed Template for "Duolingo for Schools"¶
Here is an example of template completion using the information collected from the above links and some others easily accessible information through web searches. If many info is accessible, some other characteristics are difficult to fill in, or sometimes impossible to find.

**Note** : The version of the Template presented here is that of January 2023,
the start of the experimental phase of the project.
Presentation of Duolingo for Schools (consulted on 10/11/2022) ↩