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Learning and Using AI

This chapter present some of the more advanced tools used by the AI4T partners during the experimentation phase.


  • What: Platform for learning to code, with a simple visual interface that lets young people create digital stories, games and animations. Possibility of creating AI simulation programs with Scratch.
  • By: Scratch Foundation
  • Access to the resource:
  • Language: EN

Machine Learning For kids

  • What: "A simple tool for training a variety of types of machine learning model, and an environment for creating games and other interactive projects that use them. This is done by extending Scratch: a visual programming environment created to teach coding to kids, that is widely used in schools. It gives students a blank canvas without prescribing what they make. They're free to use their imagination and creativity to find fun uses for the machine learning models that they train".
  • By: Dale Lane, creator of Machine Learning for Kids
  • Access to the resource:!/about
  • Language: EN, FR, IT, DE


  • What: "An AI education platform for building games, programming robots & training AI models".
  • By: Stefania Druga, creator of Cognimates
  • Access to the resource:
  • Language: EN

Try AI


  • What: "TensorFlow is an end-to-end open source platform for machine learning.TensorFlow makes it easy for beginners and experts to create machine learning models. See the sections below to get started.."
  • By: Google
  • Access to the resource:
  • Language: EN, FR, IT