Resources about AI in general¶
1 - Moocs About AI in general¶
Elements of AI¶
Launched in 2018, «with the aim ofhelping people to be empowered, not threatened, by artificial intelligence», The Mooc has been a huge success and is now an established benchmark for AI training with 750,000 registered students from 170 countries.

- By: MinnaLearn and the University of Helsinki
- Info about the Mooc: « The Elements of AI is a series of free online courses created by MinnaLearn and the University of Helsinki. We want to encourage as broad a group of people as possible to learn what AI is, what can (and can't) be done with AI, and how to start creating AI methods. The courses combine theory with practical exercises »
- Language: DE, FR, IT, IE, SI, GB (and many other european languages)
- Registration: Free
- Certification: Yes
- Accessibility: unlimited
- Access to the Mooc:
- Part 1 - Introduction to AI (
- Part 2 - Building AI (
L'Intelligence Artificielle... avec intelligence !¶
(Artificial Intelligence ...with intelligence!)
- By: Inria and Class'Code
- Info about the Mooc: Class'Code IAI is a citizen MOOC accessible to everyone from 7 to 107 years old to question, experiment and understand what Artificial Intelligence is... with intelligence! - (Class'Code IAI est un MOOC citoyen accessible à toutes et à tous de 7 à 107 ans pour se questionner, expérimenter et comprendre ce qu'est l'Intelligence Artificielle... avec intelligence ! )
- Language: FR
- Registration: Free
- Certification: Yes
- Accessibility: unlimited
- Access to the Mooc:
AI for everyone¶
- By: Andrew Ng (DeepLearning AI - Stanford University)
- Info about the Mooc: « AI is not only for engineers. If you want your organisation to become better at using AI, this is the course to tell everyone--especially your non-technical colleagues--to take. »
- DeepLearning.AI offers many AI related Moocs on Coursera, from general to very technical - registration, certificats and availability are to be check on the coursera platform
- Language: EN
- Registration: Free
- Certification: Yes
- Accessibility: Third Quater 2022
- Access to the Mooc:
Artificial Intelligence¶
- By: Accenture
- Info about the Mooc: « Learn about the past, present, and future of artificial intelligence and explore its potential in the workplace. »
- Language: EN
- Registration: Free
- Certification: Yes
- Accessibility: unlimited
- Access to the Mooc:
Objectif IA : Initiez-vous à l'intelligence artificielle¶
(AI Goal: Learn about artificial intelligence)
- By: Institut Montaigne (a french Think Tank) and The Fondation Abenoa
- Info about the Mooc: "We present artificial intelligence from A to Z, to give you the keys to understanding and thinking about it"
- Language: EN, FR
- Registration: Free
- Certification: Yes
- Accessibility: Unlimited
- Access to the Mooc: English:, French:
My Mooc, a tool keep in touch with all available Moocs¶
- « A powerful and innovative solutionWith more than 10,000 MOOCs available, My Mooc delivers the best free trainings available on the web. Our mission? To make training accessible to as many people as possible! With an account on My Mooc, you can continually follow the latest MOOC news and be ensured that you do not miss any topics or content from your favorite universities across the globe. »
- And for example you can follow up with all Moocs delivered about AI at the following adresse:
- Language: EN, FR Access to the tool: English: [](