- Id: EU.AI4T.O1.M0.2.1t
- Title: 0.2.1 Conditions of use of the content of the Mooc
- Type: text
- Description: How to use the Mooc resources - licences, precaution of use
- Subject: Artificial Intelligence for and by Teachers
- Authors:
- AI4T
- Licence: CC BY 4.0
- Date: 2022-11-15
Conditions of use of the content of the Mooc¶
Terms of use¶
Developed by the partners of the AI4T consortium, all the contents of this Mooc are to be consulted and reused according to your goals and needs.
The AI4T consortium has decided to adopt a licence that will allow the Mooc content to be used and adapted in a wide variety of ways.
Use of the educational resources of the Mooc¶
The course resources are, except otherwise specified, distributed under a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 licence:
Attribution. The holder of the rights authorises any exploitation of the work, including for commercial purposes, as well as the creation of derivative works, the distribution of which is also authorised without restriction, provided that the author is credited by name.
- Mention to be added when using the Mooc for a training Credit: "Artificial Intelligence for and by Teachers", AI4T, published under CC-BY licence In addition make sure to add the Erasmus+ logo:

- Mention to be added when using a Mooc resource
Credit: AI4T (Author) "Resource title", from "Artificial Intelligence for and by Teachers", AI4T, published under CC-BY licence. In addition make sure to add the Erasmus+ logo: