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3.3.3 ChatGPT and large Language model

  • Id: EU.AI4T.O1.M3.3.2t
  • Title: ChatGPT and large Language model
  • Type: video
  • Description: Videos et ressources pour decypher ChatGPT
  • Subject: Artificial Intelligence for and by Teachers
  • Authors:
    • Alexandre, Torres-Leguet - Flowers - Inria
    • Clément, Romac - Flowers - Inria
    • Thomas, Carta - Flowers - Inria
    • Pierre-Yves, Oudeyer - Flowers - Inria
  • Licence: CC BY 4.0
  • Date: 2023-10-02

Behind ChatGPT and the many debates that have accompanied it, there is the fundamental question of what is at stake in generative AI. Particularly in view of their many implications for education.

1 - Understanding ChatGPT

To give you a better idea of what these language models are, the AI4T pedagogical team has put together a series of videos by Alexandre Torres-Leguet, Clément Romac, Thomas Carta and Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, members of Inria's Flowers team. It is distributed under Creative Commons CC-BY license.

Episode#1: How do language models work?

« How does ChatGPT work? An overview in less than 5 minutes» (in French) Synopsis: An introductory video to the language models that underpin tools like ChatGPT and Bard. It's aimed at a wide audience, including students and teachers in secondary schools.

Episode#2: How to get a language model to perform a task?

« Prompting, or the art of making yourself understood by ChatGPT: Explained in 5 minutes.» (in French) Synopsis: This video introduces the notion of prompting, which makes a language model (including ChatGPT) perform a certain task by explaining it to it using natural language sentences. Examples are shown of two prompting methods (explaining the task in natural language, and giving examples of how to perform the task).

Episode#3: Limits and weaknesses of language models

« What are the limits of ChatGPT? Explained in 5 minutes» (in French) Synopsis: Language models such as ChatGPT or Bard have shown impressive capabilities for a wide variety of tasks. However, they also have many limitations and weaknesses!

Episode#4: The strengths of language models

« The strengths of language models » (in French) Synopsis: This video presents the main strengths of language models such as ChatGPT or Bard. Despite certain weaknesses, they also possess a large number of strengths, such as : - their ability to analyze a given context to provide an appropriate response to a task - their use of external tools (e.g. Wikipedia) - the wide range of data on which they have been trained - their ability to produce basic reasoning - their "common sense" in certain contexts - their ability to help us come up with creative ideas

All the videos produced by Inria's Flowers team can also be accessed and downloaded from ChatGPT in 5 minutes.

2 - Possible uses in education

Two French publications from the French Ministry of Education and the Pôle d'Expertise de la Régulation Numérique complement each other and take us a step further in discovering the possible uses in education of language models (1) and the AI technologies (2) that underpin them. - 1- Intelligence artificielle et éducation, Apports de la recherche et enjeux pour les politiques publiques - 2- ChatGPT ou la percée des modèles d’IA conversationnels