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  • Id: EU.AI4T.O1.M0.1.2t
  • Title: 0.1.2 What is the Objective of this Training?
  • Type: text
  • Description: Locate the training in the European framework
  • Subject: Artificial Intelligence for and by Teachers
  • Authors:
    • AI4T
  • Licence: CC BY 4.0
  • Date: 2022-11-15

What is the Objective of this Training?

Artificial Intelligence in Education

This training on Artificial Intelligence for teachers and the entire educational community was developed and experimented at the European level in 5 countries: France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, and Slovenia.

The objective of this training has several layers:

  • To demystify and understand AI;

  • To experiment and make good use of educational digital resources with AI services;

  • To contribute to the development of digital skills in all educators and students that include an ethical dimension beyond the technical or regulatory aspects of AI.

The first level "demystify and understand" AI in the dedicated field of education aims at overcoming enthusiastic or fearful discourses on AI, not to say only the potential or to give up using it even before having experienced it and the feedback.

It leads to the identification of types of AI and examples of AI algorithms in order to explain the general principles and to give an understanding of the intended effects, possible biases, benefits gained or unacceptable situations.

The project aims to answer some direct questions such as: Which AI techniques are available and useful for the stated purposes? Which developments are needed for my teaching context? What assistance can it give me? What questions do I need to ask myself to get started in a reasoned way?

The second level, "experiment and use wisely AI", aims to describe one's objectives (or needs) and to test resources dedicated to learning, whether or not they are adapted to the school context, as long as they respect the regulations on personal data in particular.

The idea is to offer teachers the possibility to identify, test and assess the benefit of the resource used, and even the contexts and cases where it is relevant and those where it is not.

It is also to appreciate the integration of the AI tools into the wider and more complex framework of the student's learning journey. As we all know, the addition of micro-learning is not automatic. The use of AI for specific learning is useful. It allows the analysis of learning traces on fairly simple objects, or to work overtime on forgetting curves for example, but it does not replace the contact and appreciation of the teacher in his daily relationship with the pupils, which also plays a role in learning over time.

The third level invites participants not to remain focused solely on technical issues or subject learning but also to exchange within his or her school with colleagues and the school management, and to share in the school's missions, the first of which is living together, equity and respect for human rights.

As in all educational activities, the ethical dimension is a transversal component. AI highlights it even more because its fields of application - in particular in education - are still to be defined and its effects studied.